Sunday, October 28, 2012

Just One Photo

I'm sharing this one photo today. 

I took this on October 27, 2012 right outside my house here in Germany. We had our first snow and it was a little magical. I need a little magic in my life right now and something as simple as capturing these tiny snowflakes falling with all the autumn colors as a backdrop just did it perfectly. 

The snow didn't last long. We got just enough to create a pretty dusting on everything and then a few hours later it melted. The flurries continued though out the day though.

You may have noticed my absence recently. Please excuse me, I'll be taking some more time away from my blog for a little while. I just need some space as I have a lot of things taking my time and energy, both physically and emotionally. I'll be back when I feel more like blogging and sharing the going on's in our life. Right now I'm just enjoying every moment and cherishing the ones I love and our time together.

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