Friday, August 23, 2013

Confessions of a Pinterest Foodie (5)

When it's time to make my grocery list or weekly menu I head over to my pinterest to find some new recipes almost every week. I recently created a "weekly menu" board to save my recipes I'm using that week to and it changes constantly. It's just a great place to save the recipes I'll be using during the week. Then of course I save them to my "food love" board or whatever category they fall under. 

To see my other favorites from pinterest check out my favorite pinterest recipes posts here.

We just finished off a batch of this yummy, healthy dessert. Quick and easy and our 4 year old approves!

This....THIS is probably the best sandwich I've ever had in my life. No, I'm not joking. These are amazing and everyone needs to have one as soon as you can get your hands on these ingredients. Spinach, avocado, cheeses, oh they are heavenly.

Go, go, go! We felt energized after eating these espresso muffins!

If you love hummus you'll love this chicken. For some reason it took ours longer to bake than the recipe said.

This chocolate pudding was probably the most adventurous thing I've tried on pinterest. Chocolate pudding made with avocado? Yep, it works! I didn't even tell my family that I made it with avocados and they were surprised and liked it! Definitely need to make this again soon!

Pretty much death by cake but SO worth it. I made this for my hubby's birthday this year. Two blondie layers, a cheesecake layer, two kinds of chocolate and lots and lots of sugar! Very rich birthday cake!

I'm from the Georgia so I was craving some crab stew and this hit the spot pretty well. Not as good as getting fresh crab stew in Savannah but I'll take it. 

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