Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Being in South Florida anticipating Isaac to hit was a little scary. We had a couple pretty hairy days where we weren't sure what the storm was going to do. We prepared for the worst and hoped for the best. You can see how strong the winds were from the picture above of the palm trees blowing the house across the street from us.

This was the satellite image curtesy of  NOAA on Sunday.

Luckily for us we only got a taste of Isaac as it moved around the edge of Florida into the Gulf of Mexico.

Schools were closed on Monday and people had put up their hurricane shutters just in case. Hurricane shutters? Houses down her come made with them permanently attached. On Friday I was sent to stock up on extra bottled water, flashlights and food. Below is what the bottled water and flashlight aisled looked like.
We had a good 24 hours of heavy rain flooding the streets, crazy winds and lots of lightening. But considering what it could have been, it wasn't bad at all. We kept our power (after a few blinks) and all of our trees stayed grounded in our neighborhood.

After the storm passed us Ariana had fun splashing in the puddles and dancing in the winds. Glad it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Now it's time to worry about people in Louisiana as it heads that way. I hope they all stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure lots of people are praying for those living in the coastal areas. I'm glad to know that you and yours are safe.
