Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Miami Zoo - Feeding Giraffes!

When we were in Florida my husband and I took Ariana to the Miami Zoo one day. Being there made us miss living a few minutes away from the Omaha Zoo. Our favorite part of the day was feeding Ariana's favorite animal, the giraffe! Yep, that's right, we hand fed giraffes! It was so awesome to be so up close and personal with these majestic animals! I know zoo photos can get boring if you aren't there in person so I'm going to try to limit the photos in this post to my favorites.

I'm kind of in love with this frog one I snapped!

Coolest lizard ever and he was such a ham, posing for me!

Ariana loved getting to feed the birds in the aviary.

I feel like she's saying "what are you looking at?!" Nice hairdo and makeup!

Check out that long purple tongue!

My favorite shot was of Ariana and the giraffe posing. I swear it's like they bonded and she wanted to be in the photo too. They were so cute!