Saturday, December 29, 2012

Best of 2012

When I think about 2012, I think about all the ups and downs we've had over this year. I saw Elise posted a best of blog and I decided it might be fun to do too! Gathering these photos for this post really made me smile and appreciate all the little and big "best" moments I had over the year. It really was a fantastic year! I hope 2013 can be just as great, if not better!

I realize also that some of my best moments weren't shared on the blog. I feel like I'm slowly drifting away from my blog, and that's okay. For me keeping up with the blog takes a lot of time, sometimes time I don't have, or maybe it's just something I don't make as much time for anymore. In any case, it's been a good year and I'm blessed.

*Most of these photos are linked to a blog of corresponding events. Enjoy and happy reflections of 2102!

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