Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Creations

Here is a peek into some of the things we've been creating for Christmas. Crafts, cookies and more!

 We saw some similar reindeer cookies on pinterest and made these for Ariana's school bake sale.

We counted down the days until Christmas by filling in Santa's beard with cotton balls.

 We melted plastic beads and made a pretty "stained glass" looking heart ornament.

 We painted her hands and made Christmas mittens. She did all the cutting herself and glued cotton balls on the  cuff to finish them.

 We made oranges with cloves and gingerbread men and trees. She calls these "gingers" it's pretty darn funny!
I made a wreath to put on our table. We dried orange slices, and attached fake apples, cinnamon, raffia and gold stars. A yummy yankee candle goes in the middle.

We've made other ornaments, cookies, bread and other goodies but I didn't take photos of them. It's been a fun holiday season though.

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