Friday, January 18, 2013

Das Praehistorium

Over the winter break we went to visit Das Praehistorium about 40 minutes away here in Germany. It was a very impressive museum and even though everything was in German of course, they offered headsets in English. There were lots of robotic dinosaurs and information as well as fossils. Ariana loves dinosaurs and even though most of it was over her head, she still really enjoyed the outing.

 The giant puzzle was a hit since we like doing puzzles.

The flood room was my favorite. There was calm and peaceful and then a storm started building and their was lightening and mist in the air and then suddenly water comes pouring down the valley.

Ariana wasn't much of a fan of the T-rex eating another dinosaur but in general she loved the robotic dinosaurs, they were pretty lifelike and did a lot of moving, breathing, and noises. 

They also had a movie about evolution and a 3-d movie about dinosaurs. We thought it was all put together very well.

If you want to go there yourself, you can check out the website here. We would definitely go again and there is also an indoor gym area for kids to play in another part of the building.

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