Friday, May 17, 2013

My Mother's Day

Mother's Day is such a special day, especially now that Ariana's old enough to make me pretty gifts, drawings and cards. I love getting her handmade goodies! This year in preschool they made ceramic handprints. These aren't like the usual handprint that's sunken into the clay but raised up. There is also a sweet poem on the back that had me tearing up and I could barely read it out loud.

My Mother's Day consisted of sleeping in (a little) while she and Daddy made these awesome homemade cinnamon rolls. I got to spend time leisurely waking up and enjoyed reading a few chapters of my book before Daddy reminded her of the present from preschool and I heard her getting it out of the hiding place in her room. 

She dashed in with a "Happy Mother's Day!" and snuggled on the bed with me while I opened my cards and the handmade gift. The rest of the day consisted of me indulging in too many cinnamon rolls and relaxing with my family. It was pretty awesome! 

Of course, living in Germany presents challenges when trying to order items online (even if you order them weeks in advance) and my custom rings from Olive Bungalow got here a day late. But, they were beautiful! A hand crafted customized peridot ring (my birthstone as the mom) and a citrine ring (Ariana's birthstone) as the smaller one. When our little boy is born, I'll get his birthstone made into a stackable ring too. Richard and Ariana did such a great job picking pretty ones! And it was a great surprise too!

I also got a pretty pot of flowers for the window in our room with my favorite color butterfly as decoration. Ariana got a matching flower for her room too, it's pretty sweet!

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