Monday, September 9, 2013

Officially Overdue!

Yesterday was my due date and yep I'm still pregnant! No due date baby again in this house!

We're SOOO ready for him to make his appearance it's getting ridiculous! Everyone has been checking on me daily, friends and family and strangers are constantly asking "how are you feeling?"

While I'm loving the fact that they are so attentive and so ready to meet him too, seriously I'm over being pregnant. I'm uncomfortable and I'm ready for my discomfort to be progressive. I want that baby in my arms already!

I really don't want to be induced, I'd much rather go in labor on my own naturally so hopefully it will happen soon and we won't have to worry about it. I have a doctor appointment today which bums me out because for the longest time he was measuring big (both on the outside and with an ultrasound). I honestly didn't think I would make it this far, much less out of August. And now I'm heading to an "past my due date appointment". 

Let's go baby! Any day now!!

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