Thursday, August 9, 2012

28th Birthday, 28 Random Things

Today I'm posting 28 random facts about myself to celebrate my 28th birthday which was a few days ago.

I celebrated my 28th Birthday on August 5th. It was the first time in the past 3 years I have been able to celebrate with my husband and it was nice. We went to a fun local crepe restaurant for lunch and then went swimming in the afternoon. For dinner we got dressed up and went out to Bonefish Grill. I got some lovely presents from my family and it was a nice day with all of them.

My favorite gift was the beautiful diamond earrings from my husband!

Here is a list of 28 random things you might not know about me.
  1. I don't tan, I freckle. 
  2. I have a thing for frogs, I always look for them. I love to hold them.
  3. I used to be obsessed with TY Beanie Babies and collected about 50 of them.
  4. My favorite magazine to read is Food Network Magazine and I almost always read it cover to cover.
  5. I only get my hair cut about every 6 months or so instead of the 8 weeks I used to get it cut.
  6. I have a certificate in dog grooming. I don't miss it.
  7. I used to work in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. I do miss it...
  8. I love boiled peanuts and sweet tea.
  9. One of my absolute favorite books is Tuck Everlasting. Read it when I was in maybe 7th grade and fell in love.
  10. Target is my Disneyland.
  11. I use a french press for my coffee at home.
  12. My favorite thing to treat myself is a facial and I've only had 2.
  13. I love key lime pie ice cream.
  14. I shared my first kiss with a boy when I was 14.
  15. I once decided to become vegetarian right before Thanksgiving and didn't make turkey.
  16. It's a pet peeve of mine when people text on the phone when you are talking to them or have limited time with them.
  17. I hate it when commercials make me want to buy a product I know I don't need.
  18. I think Escargot is actually delicious despite the fact that I used to have pet snails.
  19. Paris is my favorite city. It's magic
  20. I miss having dogs but sometimes I miss having cats more.
  21. I hate going bra shopping and going to the dentist about the same.
  22. I love sending and receiving Christmas/Holiday cards.
  23. I don't see how people drink Mountain Dew, it's like neon green?!
  24. I got married when I was 19, and I'm still married to the same wonderful guy!
  25. Twirling my hair is still my bad habit. Especially when I'm nervous or anxious.
  26. I'm a planner and like to make lists, especially to-do lists.
  27. I love exploring old castles and imagining what life was life for the people who used to live in them.
  28. Sometimes I still feel 19 around my husband. I think that's a good thing.

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