Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Alligators in the Everglades

We went to the Everglades and took an air boat ride out to see the alligators and other wild life. Check that off our summer bucket list! We had such a great time with my mom and sister and Rich's brother and his wife. We saw 3 alligators which was pretty good. It was so awesome to see them in their natural habitat and a little scary. They were so chill though so it wasn't bad. James, my brother in law is not a fan of alligators but he overcame his fear and had so much fun.

The airboat out into the everglades was so awesome and we went surprisingly fast over the lily pad type plants. I took this picture of James looking out over the side of the boat so you could see how close we actually got to the alligators. Remember these are WILD ANIMALS!

Even the birds and plants and bugs out there were so interesting. I loved the purple gallinules and their babies walking on the lily pads. And the huge dragon flies flying around and hovering above the water was just beautiful. 

I loved the heart on this lily pad.

If you ever watch Gator Boys on Animal Planet you might recognize this guy. We went to Everglades Holiday Park which is the home of the Gator Boys. We saw Chris from the show but the other guys were out on a call I'm sure. He gave us some information about alligators in a little show and did tricks like sticking his hand in the alligators mouth and showing us how fast they close their jaws. He even held his mouth open with his chin WITH NO HANDS! Then Ariana and Rich and James held the baby alligator named Cricket. She was 3 years old and still so little.

Afterwards we all had to try Gator Bites which were mostly like chicken nuggets but it was alligator tail deep fried. The general consensus: not too bad.

From left to right: Jen my sister in law, James my brother in law, Richard, Ariana, Me, Anne my mom, Sarah my sister.


  1. I LOVE your photos Cat! They are amazing! I would be so nervous to do that tour thing, but it looks like I'd get some awesome photos!

  2. Loved all of these photos Cat! I think my favorite is the gator that is swimming away and the water is bright blue around him. So pretty! And all of those lily pads! Gorgeous!
    How neat that Ariana got to hold a baby one! Adorable!

  3. Looks like a fun trip. The photos are great. I'm glad you all got back with all of your arms and legs intact. Holding the baby harper took courage.

  4. fantastic nature photos! I have to tell you-alligators give me the heebie jeebies!
