Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ariana's Room Tour

Welcome to Ariana's bedroom in Germany!

About 6 months ago we gave Ariana's room an update with new furniture from our Base Exchange that she can grown into as she becomes a little girl and not a baby or toddler. I'm finally getting around to taking photos and sharing them on the blog. A lot of the details we had in her room since she was a baby and some of them are from when I was a little girl! I'm not sure what you would call this style besides girly. Here we go.

We have an family friend (that's known our family since before I was born) who lives in Texas. She makes quilts and she made us this pretty quilt for Ariana's room. Nothing better than something made from the heart!

Ariana loves to sleep with stuffed animals and whoever is her newest doll or toy from our latest vacation. Currently she has "Berry" the Polar Bear from the Tiergarten Zoo in Austria, "Hole" her blanket bunny she's had since she was born, and her doll from Hungary.

Ariana loves to play dress up so we've had a dress up corner set up for her for the past year or so. Little wooden butterfly hooks are perfect for displaying dresses and cute accessories like her purses. We use a basket to store the shoes, a little jewerly box for the what seems like millions of beaded necklaces and for now just a tote box serves as our catch all for the rest of the dresses, hats, purses, crowns, boas and whatnots.

The doll sitting on her bookshelf is actually a porcelain puppet from Prague.

Her nightstand is too sweet to me. We bought her this ceramic carousel music box for Christmas and she loves playing it every night. She also has a framed picture of all of us from when Richard left for deployment in 2011/2012.

She also keeps some trinkets she's collected. A wooden tulip from Holland, a glass penguin from Czech Republic, mini Eiffel Tower from Paris, and a rock. These are her special things.

This is the other music box she has in her room. I got that as a baby from one of my mom's long time friends. The music is jerky when you play it but Ariana still loves having it in her room and looking at it.

The picture hanging over her chest of drawers is one of my favorites. It's of Alice in Wonderland and we bought it at a cute little boutique shop in Omaha Nebraska when I was pregnant with her and decorating her nursery.

When she was a baby I always put a bow and headband in her hair and made her a hairbow holder one weekend. 

Also just a few of her favorite dolls and bears.

Now that I know I'm having a boy, I can't wait to decorate a little boy's room! I've already started searching for fun finds online to create a cute space for him!

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