Friday, May 10, 2013

Spring Break 2013: Vienna, Austria

For our Spring Break trip this year we took a road trip to 2 different countries, 3 different cities. Our first stop was Vienna, Austria.

European hotels are very small and usually made up of 2 twin beds and not much more space, especially if you go cheap like we do. We're there to see the city, not spend a lot of time in our hotel room. Ariana loved that in this hotel she got a pallet on the floor. It was originally in the baby bed they provided us but obviously she's too big for a baby crib/playpen so we emprovised.

The Trzesniewski restaurant is famous for it's open faced egg sandwiches so of course we had to grab a couple for a snack when we found it.

The markets in Europe are always fun and full of lots of colors and unique items. Like a pair of goat hoof plyers (yes we found some of those). We enjoyed wandering around the Naschmarkt one morning and watching all the hustle and bustle. The food stalls were pretty amazing with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Even though the sun was shining some of the time while we were there it was still very chilly. Some thick creamy hot cocoa in a plaza warmed us up nicely.

We found the Anker Clock, in the Austria's oldest square, with moving figurines and music.

We also took the tour of Dr. Freud (psychologist) house/office. 

The last day of our trip we spent the day in the Tiergarten Zoo (Europe's oldest zoo) and fell in love with some panda's, koala's and some very large lizards which I'm pretty sure were Ariana's favorites.

It was a great start to our vacation. Next week I'll share photos from Budapest (Hungary) and Salzburg (Austria)!

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