Friday, August 9, 2013

Currently: August

Eating the last of the black cherries I bought the other day.

Preparing for my 36 week OB appointment coming up this week.

Loving these cooler 70 degree days. It beats 100 degree heat anytime, especially during a summer pregnancy.

Tidying up the guest room for my mom's upcoming visit post-baby.

Sewing another craft for Little Mister's nursery.

Anxious for the school year to start. Ariana is going into German Immersion Kindergarten this year.

Planning quick and easy meals I can have on hand once the baby arrives.

Wishing I had a house elf to some cleaning around here.

Swimming with Ariana at the base pool.

Sleeping uncomfortably most nights.

Learning to use the new printer I got for my birthday this week and hoping it helps with keeping me up to date with printing photos.

Happy to have celebrated my 29th (and 1st) birthday in Germany. The other 2 I was lucky enough to be with family in Florida.

Waiting on my new carseat for Little Mister to arrive in the mail. It's the last of the baby items!

Undecided on a baby name still. Yesterday was the 8th, now it's officially less than a month left until my due date!

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