Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Monkey Park Daytrip

A week ago, we took a day trip to France to a La Montagne des Singes. It's a monkey park where you can get up close and personal with some monkeys! You can even feed them if you want to!

When I found out about it I knew I wanted to go. Summer was the perfect time. It was a good drive, about 2.5 hours from our house in Germany, and if we had planned it better we would have stayed the night and done some more things locally in that area. Maybe next time. We had such a great time though and it was exciting getting to be a few feet away from these chilled out, free roaming Barbary Macaques.

I especially loved the babies!

Like seriously look at that baby monkey face! Don't you just want to say "awww"

This mama monkey (or dad, not sure we saw a few dads carrying the babies around) was proud to show off this new baby. The workers often shooed the babies away from the visitors to keep the babies safe and to keep the parent monkeys from suddenly freaking out on us. But, we were lucky and  got a few minutes of uninterrupted up close and personal time with this little guy. And let me tell you he was even more precious in person!

They gave you each a handful of popcorn at the entrance so that you could feed the monkeys. The first one Ariana fed she could barely contain her excitement. In the picture below she was covering her mouth trying to stifle her giggles.

Most of the monkeys were lazing around. It was a very hot day. The temp in our car when we got back in read 103! 


We got to see some of the younger monkeys playing and a few of them were hanging out together and grooming each other.

But seriously, it was the babies that everyone loved. They were just too cute. This little one was brave and explored the world around him a little. Check out those ears!

We had a great time even though it was almost unbearably hot. The shaded trails were nice and it was worth it to see those babies!

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