Thursday, August 22, 2013

Wittlich Pig Festival

Last weekend we went to the Wittlich Pig Festival. It's held every year in the village of Wittlich in Germany. 

According to a legend, the town of Wittlich was a walled fortress. One night the guard lost the pin to secure the gate to the city. When he couldn't find it, he locked the door with a carrot. During the night a pig came along and ate the carrot, the gate opened and an army came in and ransacked the city. The angry townspeople herded together the pigs and roasted them. Since then, the town of Wittlich has been known as the town of the pig burners and every year they have a festival. 

Ariana wasn't so sure about seeing a whole pig being roasted over the spit. 

While we were waiting in line for our pork sandwiches we enjoyed the live band on stage in the marktplatz.

 Our tickets for our sandwiches and Ariana and Daddy waiting in line. She wasn't thrilled about waiting.

Finally our delicious sandwiches with amazing German mustard! Eating under a tent with pretty lights and glass bottles of coke, yum!

We stumbled upon a street performer who was making giant bubbles and he called Ariana up to help. She did a great job until she saw how big the bubbles were getting and then she just wanted to chase them around and pop them!

Enjoying riding the carnival rides!

Our little animal lover, adored the pony ride!

Nutella and strawberry crepes for Mommy and Daddy and cotton candy for Ariana.

More fun rides. Bumper cars are her favorite!

With her prizes. Play makeup and a punkrocker mohawk wig. 

I also hit my 37 week mark that day. It was such a fun day and such a great carnival especially great for kids with lots of games and rides! The food was yummy too! Love those pig burners!

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