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Monday, October 3, 2011

Becoming A Healthier Me - week 3

Is my scale broken? Because, I didn't loose a single pound this week! Was it something I ate, or the fact that I didn't work out as much as I should? Super bummed, but I'll keep charging forward. I won't give up that easily. But seriously, is my scale broken?

Healthy Foods:

1. Guacamole and chips for snack
2. Tomato soup with a sprinkle of cheese and chives
3. Peanut butter and banana smoothie for breakfast
4. Parmesan crusted tilapia, peas and pasta

Spinach salad with tomatoes, cucumber and toasted almond slices with poppy seed dressing.

- Still drinking more water, but I could be doing better.
- Had a few glasses of red wine this week.
- Drank chocolate milk once this week after a pretty intense work out. 

Went for 1 walk. Pretty sad.
Did Pilates once. My abs were killing me.
Danced around the kitchen for like an hour one night with my ipod playing haha! Zumba style!
Burned 250 calories on the elliptical. I hate sweating.
I did start doing push ups this week. I can only do 25 "girl" ones. Those things are evil. 
Planks. I can do it for 20 seconds.

Goals for next week:
Drink more water.
Do the plank for 30 seconds.
Burn 600 calories on the elliptical. (combined)
Do Pilates twice.
Eat more fruit.

I'm feeling a little less motivated. One more week and I'll be hitting my one month mark, and I want to try to burn 2 more pounds off. 

Any suggestions for food, workouts, a way to burn calories that doesn't suck so much?

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1 comment:

  1. Keep going Cat! Everyone hits a plateau every once in a while. When that happens, just kick the exercise up a notch and reduce portions a little. You'll get through it. Your body may just be telling you that it's getting a little stronger and it's getting used to the things you've been doing.
