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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Blue Skies, Appleblossoms, and Wildflowers

Blue skies, Appleblossoms, and Wildflowers. These are just a few things you can find in my backyard lately.

I was on the phone with my sister the other day and stepped outside. I saw this beautiful blue sky and couldn't shut up about it. It just looked bluer than usual and the clouds were puffy little cotton balls floating in the sky. I took a moment to appreciate, and then grabbed my camera. Sarah, these are the photos I was taking when you could hear my shutter going off! I think my neighbors are starting to think I'm crazy cause I'm always outside with my camera!!

I love Spring!
**Sidenote: Currently I'm away enjoying our impromptu weekend in Paris! This was waiting to be posted in my drafts and I thought I would share it while I was off strolling the streets of Paris! :) Happy weekend y'all! I'll be back soon with my P64, Scavenger Hunt and of course a photo heavy post about our weekend in Paris. It's so magical here! 
Au revoir! **

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1 comment:

  1. What took you to Paris? Was it your first time? We traveled to Paris last summer for the first time and had an absolutely AMAZING time!! What an incredible city!! Can't wait to see your photos!!
